Pintura Acrílica
Vigo (Galicia).
Acrilic Paint.
Vigo (Galicia).
Pintura Acrílica.
Vigo (Galicia).
Acrilic Paint.
Vigo (Galicia).
Tomando como base el paralelismo existente entre microcosmos y macrocosmos, este mural también se presenta como una metáfora sobre el proceso de formación de los universos interiores que alberga todo ser....ese universo que nos define y nos inunda, apartándonos del vacío y la inexistencia....ese universo que conforma nuestra esencia.
Gnosis: Entendimiento....esta obra toma como base una teoria que da explicación a la naturaleza de cuanto nos rodea, planteando la existencia de multiversos (universos dentro de otros universos) que a modo de fractales conformarían nuestro cosmos, y que aparecen representados a través de esas construcciones que, flotando entre los astros, encierran a su vez nuevos multiversos. También están presentes aquí las conexiones entre estos multiversos, representadas por medio de puentes o caminos que comunican las construcciones y que dibujan arquitecturas imposibles. Estas arquitecturas imposibles simbolizan además una cuarta dimensión espacial, que haría posible esas conexiones entre universos tridimensionales.
Una vez más, con el paralelismo entre el macrocosmos y el microcosmos como base, se establece una metáfora que alude a esos universos interiores que todxs albergamos, que se entrelazan, que coexisten paralelamente, inmersos en un cosmos que nos rodea, nos envuelve, y en cierto modo nos condiciona.
Seres con caretas recorren estos multiversos. Ávidos de saber, observan cuanto les rodea y en su busqueda tratan de encontrar más allá de lo tangible aquel saber ancestral que les ayude a comprender.
( Haz click aquí para ver algunos detalles de Génesis y Gnosis )
Genesis: Birth, creation, origin ... inspired by the origin and expansion of the cosmos, this work deals with the creation of the multiverse from the original plasma in which matter and energy formed a whole, concentrated and enclosed, waiting for the ideal moment for its further expansion .... it is in this primeval state of the cosmos that a close relationship is established between the tangible whole and the abstract nothingness.
Based on the parallelism between microcosms and macrocosms, this mural also presents itself as a metaphor for the process of formation of the inner universes that holds all beings .... that universe that defines and floods us, leaving us from the void and the Non-existence ... that universe that conforms our essence.
Gnosis: Understanding .... this work takes as base a theory that gives explanation to the nature of everything around us, proposing the existence of multiverse (universes within other universes) that as fractals would conform our cosmos, and which are represented Through these constructions that, floating among the stars, enclose in turn new multiverse. Also present here are the connections between these multiverses, represented by means of bridges or paths that communicate the constructions and that draw impossible architectures. These impossible architectures also symbolize a fourth spatial dimension, which would make possible these connections between three-dimensional universes.
Once again, with the parallelism between the macrocosm and the microcosm as a basis, a metaphor is established that alludes to those inner universes that we all harbor, that intertwine, that coexist in parallel, immersed in a cosmos that surrounds us, envelops us, and In a way it conditions us.
Beasts with grimaces go through these multiverses. They are eager to know, observe everything that surrounds them and in their search they try to find beyond the tangible that ancestral knowledge that helps them to understand.
(Click here to see some details of Genesis and Gnosis)
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